Saturday 16 April 2016


I have been a bit busy with things of late, however I have had another crack at producing a running timetable. Taken a different approach compared to last time I tackled this. Broke the timeline down into 5 min increments to a max of 120 ie 2 hours, included the extra staging, included the automated 'Gina' train at regular symmetrical intervals for the computer operation and allowed enough time to load/dump trains and switching of the freights in each yard.

Well Tuesday night is train night, so Dennis and I put the running plan into operation. With stopwatch in hand and Dennis in the drivers seat he set off with Ore Train 1 running empty to Mine 1 via Mulga Loop. Some loco issues soon made the train departure late, then a derailed car at Wombat Junction, soon made for late running.

At first anxiety set in as we were not keeping up with the schedule. Then it dawned on me that this is a good thing. These "situations" instead of being fabricated were real. Just like real life, delays are incurred due to things happening that you had no control over. So we embraced the issue and dealt with them and recorded them on the train sheet to reflect what went on.

Dennis then loaded the ore train, taking over 15 minutes to fill the 20 ore cars and do appropriate loco changes etc. So all in all a great night. We both agreed that to see the layout performing as it should is a great experience, one that sometimes is not realized for many years due to the work to get to that point.

My layout is over 26 years old in its current format. There are many old ideas and concepts embedded in it ie curves that are 12", which at the time were considered large. My loading loop has this as well as a reverse curve, so the strain on the train, combined with the added weight as the train is loaded is challenging to keep the train at a consistent speed whilst loading.

Many years ago, pre DCC, to help with reliable running a put in a check rail on the curve which was electrically bonded to its neighbouring rail, to assist the 6 wheel trucks of the locos to have continual electrical contact. It certainly helped, however the purchasing of 4 wheel truck locos for switching was another great step forward. Finally the introduction of DCC produced a semi reliable loading process. Dirty track, espically using live loads of iron ore, meant the track cleanliness can be an issue.

For many years now I have read and reread other modellers thoughts, beliefs on how to clean track, what you should use to clean track, all to produce the best running outcome. Well for this Tuesday night session as noted above, I tried a 4B graphite lead pencil on the main and check rails. It worked a treat! No loss of contact was experienced.  My friends I have found the secret for my layouts loading process after 26 years.  So onwards and upwards as I prepare for a formal operating session with my train operating group.