Friday 27 February 2015

Modelling Blues and Achievements

Sometimes life's journey does not always go as you think it should.

In late 2014 I was consistently working on the railway achieving little milestones and being very proud in what I was producing. Along comes a holiday, a great holiday, return home and no more modelling enthusiasm.

What the heck? Where did it go?

Our two young adult sons were heavily involved with our local amateur theatre company. One being the script writer and the other being the director. Both my wife and I were involved. And it was a very successful show due to everyone's efforts. Throw Christmas in, a work conference retreat, and the changes at work as a result of the 'love in'. Life just zoomed on by down the track you might say.

I lamented to by friend Dennis, that the modelling Blues had set in and no amount of wishful thinking  on my part could encourage me out to the layout. Top marks to him, as he informed me, "We will have to change that, I will be other Tuesday night". PANIC.

So, from 0% enthusiasm, to 100% commitment in a very short time.

I have been very fortunate over the years and realized that the secret of a rewarding modelling lifestyle is to enlist your friends for help. All,you have to do is ask.

So to get the modelling happening I decided a new tact and work on finishing some of the buildings that currently populate the layout. I'm one of those people that has many things happening at once and never fully finish anything in one session. So the commitment to myself was to only work on models that are on the layout and finish them completely before they go back on the layout.

Pleased to say that this approach has been successful. Detailing of the the building shown below has been completed. Today I undertook my first 'proper' air brush session and that went well too. Used Vallejo paint, set up a special painting desk across the doorway of the shed and the job is done.

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